Monday, June 17, 2013

Jill's Post-Grad Life: BuzzFeed Style

So last night at like 1a.m. I started tweeting with the hastags #waystoknowyourealone and #postgradlife as kind of a joke about what my life has become since I graduated and moved home. That is: lonely and kind of sad.

So here's a blog version of the list of reasons why my current post-grad life makes me depressed (BuzzFeed style):

1. My biggest love interest at the moment is a British YouTuber whom I will likely never meet, befriend, or date. Which is cool with me, I just like to look at him and hear him talk.
2. Doctor Who is currently my best friend.
3. I think about Sherlock so often that I physically need Season 3.
4. I spend much of my spare time quoting Lord of the Rings with my sister.
5. My monthly Tumblr post number since I graduated (May and June):
6. I'm not sure how much time I've spent on YouTube, but I'm afraid to find out. (Fact: I have over 2000 videos in my watch history and that isn't indicative at all because I watch most videos more than once)

7. My friends stop texting me back and I figure it's because I'm boring them.
8. My friends won't read my blog until I "start doing something interesting with my life".
9. I feel sad when I see Dan and Phil now because I miss companionship.
10. I even feel rejected by my cat.
11. I would rather sleep than do anything else.
12. Because I have no use of a car yet, I almost never leave the house.
13. I'm easily amused.
14. I worry constantly about things I know are already taken care of at my end.
15. And finally:

The good news: I'm moving to Galveston in less than two weeks!

Today's YouTube video is freaking adorable:


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