Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Dare to Suck

So I've seen this phrase pop up a couple times on YouTube videos. (Here and here, specifically)

Essentially, "daring to suck" is realizing that being poor at something is a part of the learning process and you can't be good at something unless you suck at it first. Sucking also means that you are human. It's okay to be bad at something, even though society makes it seem like you have to be great at everything to be a successful person. Nobody is good at everything. That would be freaking stupid.

So here's my shameless list of things I suck at.

1. Accents. And singing. Basically anything with my voice. Both of my sisters can do voices/accents. Jenna is particularly good at the British accent (and singing). I'm terrible. People look seriously offended when I try (which is, unfortunately, often). I'm a Texan and I can't even do a Texas accent very well. The only voice I can do sounds something like Stitch/Jigglypuff. I'm really good at the Jigglypuff lullaby. But that's pretty much it.
2. Speaking. Related to Number 1. There used to be a running joke among my friends that I was useless after 6pm because, once I got the least bit tired, I would not be able to form coherent sentences. I'm not witty in conversations (I like to hide behind Twitter instead), I stutter a lot, and I have always been self conscious in front of crowds. It took me a long time to be able to speak in front of students as a student leader. The first time I ran in a campaign and gave my platform speech, I shook the whole time and ran into a trashcan. Still working on my public speaking to this day. On top of that, if I don't know you very well I don't really talk. So you can imagine how I behave at parties and how long it takes for me to make friends 

3. Any sport whatsoever. I was okay at dance and fine when I was a synchronized swimmer, but other than that I am terrible at sports. When I played soccer in kindergarten, I gave the ball to the other team. Literally. Just handed it over. I also have short legs, short arms, and a short torso. Not conducive to running around or swimming fast (I was a terrible speed swimmer like omg). I also hate working out. My parents would have to bribe me to stretch/do cross training when I was really serious about synchro, but it never worked. I was just always out of shape. 

4. Giving myself space. This is THE WORST, in my opinion. I love my friends, and I'm incredibly loyal. I also have dangerously low self-esteem when it comes to relationships. Also trust issues (oh hey confession time yayy). So when someone is stressing me out more than usual --or if I'm upset or if someone hurt my feelings or whatever-- my first thought is not to give myself space like a normal person, it's just to ignore the situation and act like everything is normal. This is actually very destructive, as space is just a natural part of good friendships. Not only do I deprive myself of very important "me time" (I am an introvert, after all) to think and cool off and get over it, but I also get very very very upset when somebody needs space from me. This is one thing on which I'm learning to suck less.

5. Blogging. I'm blogging ironically. Just kidding...but I really do suck at it. I'm a pretty good writer, but I'm not creative in the least bit (#Scientistproblems). I'm also not a very bold person. I could talk about a lot of really ballsy things on this blog; however, since many more conservative members of my family and my potential mentors/employers may read it too, I don't. So this blog has become mostly about me watching YouTube and Doctor Who and trying to be an adult occasionally.

Here's Jenna Marbles' version of the "Things I suck at" list.

In other news, I bought car insurance, dinnerware, glassware, an oven mitt, and a large bottle of Excedrin today. That's it. I'm ready for adulthood.


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