Friday, May 31, 2013

Wow! Look how early I'm posting this blog!

I don't know about you, but...I got up rather recently.

Oh, and obviously I'm feeling...

So upon getting my lazy rear out of bed at 2:00pm and making myself an egg sandwich, I received a call from the owner of the condo that I've been eying (apparently that's the correct spelling for that word) for a couple weeks now. I thought it was going to be something horrible because, you know, that's just how my life works...but it turned out that she just wanted to let me know that she plans on getting the carpets changed and faucet fixed, so that I wouldn't be concerned when I looked at it tomorrow. We then planned a time to meet up on Sunday and sign paperwork.


The complex is really nice from what I know/have heard and is super close to campus. I'll take pictures while I'm there.

My dad and I will leave early tomorrow morning to head to Galveston so that we can look at some apartment complexes, meet with some owners, and look at the condo. If everything looks good, we'll likely snag that condo this weekend. If not, we'll pick an apartment and go with it. I just need to get this done.

Here's to hoping that I'm not just getting my hopes up.

It will be nice to go back to Galveston. I do like it a's a nice place, and it reminds me a little of Fayetteville (except with beaches and tourists). It's also close to some family and my favorite place in the world, the Texas Medical Center.
Galveston from the top floor of one of UTMB's research buildings.
The TMC in Houston.
 Tomorrow's post will probably be up late, but I will probably have more to say. So...

Today's YouTube video is of these precious little angels prank-calling a fellow BBC Radio 1 DJ, which is just perfect.


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Gettin' there

Hi! *Grace Face*

Today gave me a bit of hope that things are moving forward. My dad and I officially decided that we are going to Galveston this weekend. I got a hold of a condo owner who I have been talking to and established a day that we could meet and sign paperwork, if everything looks okay when we have a look around. I also looked at another apartment option, which is actually a house a couple of blocks away from campus.

So it looks like I'll have some things to talk about this weekend. It'll be nice to secure housing. It's probably the biggest thing that's stressing me out. Once I have a place to live, everything else will fall into place.

My dad also found a couple of used car options in the area and even made an offer on one of them. So it looks like we're moving forward with that. Even though I hate driving, am expecting a high insurance cost, and not looking forward to having to pay gas again, it will be nice to finally have a car after a year and a half. One crucial step toward independence that I've gone without for a while.

So yay!

Oh...and I watched more Sherlock.

In other news, my beloved microblogging website Tumblr is definitely in trouble. The CEO of Yahoo proved that she doesn't know the point of Tumblr when she said "Tumblr prides itself on being a home for brands."

And the reblog button is on the bottom instead of the top now and it's annoying.

The daily struggles of an Internet addict.

Speaking of Internet addiction, I have no choice to repeat dailygrace as the YouTube Video of the Day because this is genius:

...That's strange. Where are the Dan gifs in today's post?

 Oh, there he is! Trying to kill me with his stupid face, as usual.


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Watch how good I'll fake it...

Hey. Ok. So.

Whilst working on a list of things I will need to buy for my new apartment and estimating how much I will need to spend, I realized that I have no idea how to furnish an apartments, and regretted opting out of apartment living in college.

Growing up is really a "Fake it 'til you make it" process. I've done practically nothing and I'm still having to pretend that I know anything about what it will mean to create a life for myself.  That's how I got through college, after all: acting like I knew things.

In related news, I'm a bit worried about being forgotten. The only friends I have, really, are in Fayetteville, but most of them are already moving on because they have another year there. It will be very difficult to become more and more introverted as I try to move on myself.

I also have trust/self-esteem issues, if you haven't noticed.

Other than that, not much to report. I spent the day watching Season 1 of Sherlock.
*sigh* So perfect. I'll probably stay up and start watching Season 2 as well (all 3 episodes).

Oh. And I got Jimmy John's for dinner. Not a bad day.

Today on Instagram it was, of course, #womancrushwednesday, and it belonged to my besties (Rachel, Savannah, Ashton, and Shanna).

Today's YouTube video is dailygrace in her infinite weirdness:

These posts are probably going to get more and more mundane. My days are always the same: wake up at 1pm, eat, check the mail, sit at the kitchen counter on my laptop trying to do something productive like answering emails, watch TV or YouTube, eat, talk to my dad about moving things along, watch more TV or YouTube, pass out...
Aaaaand repeat.

I should probably start that 5k running routine.
Yeah ok...


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Being productive on the Internet

Cheesecakes? What a great use of my favorite dessert.

Today was actually the most productive day I've had since I got home, even though I slept in and spent hours at the kitchen counter on my MacBook Pro.

I basically sent a million emails looking for apartments (and a few condominiums) in Galveston. I would like to go down there this weekend and hopefully secure housing for July or August, provided that my dad can make the trip with me. I also stalked AutoTrader for used cars in the area, and found a few that could possibly be options for me.

Right now I'm making budget sheets and grocery lists.

I know, I'm a riot.

One of my besties, the gorgeous Savannah, left for London today and I am so very jealous.
I'm consoling myself with the fact that I gave her two very attractive gift ideas:

Today's YouTube video is from the SciShow (and Hank Green...again).


*ahem* ok bye.

Monday, May 27, 2013

My sister is making me watch Arrested Development right now, so I'm blogging

Oh hey! Lovely to see you!

Today was stressful, mainly because I'm still not sure where to start with everything. Also, home is never the same after you fly the nest, then fly back in (however briefly).

I really want to move to Galveston on July 1st, but of course that means finding an apartment and a car soon, and spending money that I don't have. UTMB still hasn't sent me my financial aid packet, so I have no idea what loans will look like (although I'm guessing they won't kick in until August).

Is this what Purgatory feels like?

It's only 9pm and I feel like it's 2am. It'll likely be an early night.

Or I'll stay up until actual 2am watching YouTube. Probably that.

The YouTube Video of the Day (which will likely become a thing) is from Jack and Finn (another brand of British YouTuber), who documented their trip to the The Rainbow Center in Sri Lanka. It's amazing, in my opinion.

And my #mancrushmonday (on Instagram) goes to the best guy friends (Conrad, Tyler, and Brad) whom I left behind in Fayetteville (mostly because the last 3 #mcm's have been Dan Howell).
 Wow...I used parentheses quite a lot in this post...


Sunday, May 26, 2013

I'm burnt out, ok

So unless you count eating Latin food (thank God for fried plantains), being hissed at by my cat, playing Candy Crush Saga, and spending an exorbitant amount of time on YouTube (again), I did absolutely nothing today. And I definitely didn't do anything to help me become an adult. So yeah...

Because I have nothing to report today, here's the latest Vlogbrothers video (to symbolize the amount of time I spent on YouTube):
God bless you, Hank Green.

By the way...I will be trying to update this thing once a day this summer, just to see if I can. Therefore, I won't post the link on Facebook or Twitter unless I had something significant to say that day. Also I don't do much, so a lot of my posts will probably end up featuring videos of people smarter and more productive than me.

Also I will continue shamelessly using Dan Howell to represent myself in gifs because I am convinced he is me in the form of a British male YouTuber. (And his fans are obsessed so the gifs are plentiful)

Saturday, May 25, 2013

End of an Era

I've been telling people lately that finishing a degree just leaves you asking...

Let me tell you, it's actually a whole lot of this:

So after all of the pomp and circumstance (get it?) that was graduation, I moved to another residence hall on campus so that I could stay in Fayetteville for two weeks. This was really important because I absolutely needed to take a general chemistry laboratory for which I already received credit in order to be successful in medical school (long story). So twice a day for six days, I spent my time doing labs over stuff I already knew; the rest of my time was spent being constantly depressed about leaving, watching Season 9 of Grey's Anatomy, and bothering the friends that remained in Fayetteville.

Then I moved home on Friday. Never to return (for a long while). Easier said than done. I was lucky enough to be able to spend the last 4 years in a place where I really felt like I belonged. When I graduated and there was nothing left there for me, it felt like I was leaving my heart behind.

The past 4 years in Fayetteville have been life-changing. I was challenged, learned, grew, found lifelong and irreplaceable friends, and discovered who I am. This last year, particularly, was phenomenal, and I grew up more in one year than I did in the first 3 years of college after overcoming depression and personal struggles. I also became closer to some of the best friends that I've ever had, and we were like a family. I took the MCAT, traveled to Costa Rica, applied to 12 medical schools, was accepted to 4 medical schools, received a research grant, completed a thesis, presented at a conference, received a student leadership award (presented by one of my best friends), and graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. Fayetteville is my comfort zone. And I guess I'm lucky that I'm leaving behind so many great friends and memories, even though it's one of the most painful moments of my life.

 Since Fayetteville became my home, my conventional "home" just feels like the place where my parents and sisters live. It's great, but something is off. Regardless, it's the best place to face the next chapter of my life: becoming an adult.

Because upon leaving Fayetteville...

I remembered that I still don't have a car, a place to live in Galveston, or barely any money.

I started my adulthood journey today by trying to be healthier (it's amazing how quickly you can gain 10lbs when you stop caring about everything while you wait to finish your degree).  I started Weight Watchers again today and made plans to start the Couch-to-5K running plan this week as well, since I would like to get fit and be able to run in the Komen Race for the Cure next year.

I also applied for a credit card. It's lime green.

Baby steps, baby steps.