Thursday, July 18, 2013

Way in over my head

Adulthood has been busy kicking my butt.

So, as I have no idea how to be an adult, I've been doing a lot of things for the first time ever in my life. To give you a taste of what it's like to be me right now (since this is my blog, after all), I present to you the following list of 20 things I have had to do for the first time since I moved out of my parents' house:

1. De-bone and boil a chicken breast

2. Cook chicken that wasn't in a frozen Tyson package

3. Come up with things to eat besides baked ziti and pizza rolls

4. Set off a smoke alarm while cooking. Twice

5. Change the batteries on a smoke alarm

6. Adjust a bike saddle

7. Assemble a dining set

8. Use a socket wrench

9. Use a hammer

10. Use any tools at all

11. Hang wall decor with anything other than painter's tape, command strips, and push pins

12. Buy furniture

13. Pay an electric bill

14. Pay for the Internet

15. Take a sick cat to the vet

16. Clean cat urine out of upholstery

17. Cross ocean on a ferry (while I was the one driving the car)

18. Help a turtle cross the road

19. Drive across town to recycle something

20. Prefer Target over Walmart

Tomorrow I am going to the beach and making a pizza.

Today's YouTube video of the day is what I wish my apartment tour looked like:


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